Fehlercodes Getriebesteuergerät 41TE / A604 (3.3L & 3.8L)

Die Fehlercodes vom Getriebe können nur mithilfe eines Diagnosegerätes ausgelesen werden. Es ist nicht möglich die codes via Key-Dance o.ä. auszulesen.

Code Auslösung Limp-Mode Bezeichnung DRB Beschreibung
11 ja Internal Transmission Control Module (Watchdog Ciruit Test)
12 nein Battery Was Disconnected
13 ja Internal Transmission Control Module (Watchdog Ciruit Shutdown)
14 ja Transmission Control Module Relay Output Always On (Relay Contacts Are Welded Closed)
15 ja Transmission Control Module Relay Output Always Off (Relay Contacts Are Stuck Open)
16 ja Internal Transmission Control Module (ROM Check Failure)
17 ja Internal Transmission Control Module (RAM Check Failure)
18 ja Engine Speed Sensor Circuit (Loss of Engine Speed Signal)
19 nein BUS Communication With Powertrain Control Module
20 ja Switched Battery
21 ja OD Pressure Switch Circuit
22 ja 2/4 Pressure Switch Circuit
23 ja 2/4-ODPressure Switch Circuit
24 ja LR Pressure Switch Circuit
25 ja LR-OD Pressure Switch Circuit
26 ja LR-2/4 Pressure Switch Circuit
27 ja All Pressure Switch Circuit
28 nein Check Shifter Signal (TRS)
29 nein Throttle Position Signal
31 ja OD Hydraulik Pressure Switch
32 ja 2/4 Hydraulik Pressure Switch
35 nein Loss Of Prime
36 - Fault immediately after shiftFehler wird nur in Kombination mit Fehldercodes 50-58 gesetzt
37 nein Solenoid Switch Valve in the LU Position
38 nein Torque Converter Clutch control (Out Of Range)
41 ja LR Solenoid Circuit
42 ja 2/4 Solenoid Circuit
43 ja OD Solenoid Circuit
44 ja UD Solenoid Circuit
45 nein Internal Transmission Control Module (EEPROM Byte Failure)
46 nein 3/4 Shift Abort (UD Hydraulic Circuit Failure)
47 ja Solenoid Switch Valve in LR Position
50 ja Gear Ratio in Reverse
51 ja Gear Ratio in 1st
52 ja Gear Ratio in 2nd
53 ja Gear Ratio in 3rd
54 ja Gear Ratio 4th
55 - -not used-
56 ja Turbine Speed Sensor
57 ja Output Speed Sensor
58 ja Speed Sensor's Ground
60 nein Inadequate LR Element Volume
61 nein Inadequate 2/4 Element Volume
62 nein Inadequate OD Element Volume